Robert Pattinson from "Twilight's New Moon".
Aweful movie . . . I went to see it with my wife. The only thing good about this movie was the sound tract, some great songs by some great bands. There were a couple scenes in the film that were fun, some cool imagery, but over all, the movie gets a "BIG YUCK" from me.
It's funny, I've gotten some interesting comments about this sketch of Robert Pattinson. I chose to draw him differently than what is typical or what I've been seeing, and so far I haven't seen one good drawing of him. Instead I've seen people draw the "idea" of who or what they "think" he's supposed to look like. It seems like every artist out there draws him the exact same way, as if he's today's version of James Jean . . . if you think that, you couldn't be further from the truth.
Pattinson is a "dork", so draw him like a dork! I don't get the hype at all?
As always I enjoy the comments, but please know that I am content and satisfied with my quick sketch. I captured what I set out to capture, I had fun, and that's good enough for me. It's OK to try different things. Not everything you do as an artist will work, and that's OK. You need to "do" something right? Don't fall into the trap of feeling like you have to draw a certain way or draw certain "things" in order to please others. Draw for yourself, draw what you want.

This is a quick thumbnail sketch of Pattinson . . . very loose, just scratching down an idea.

Taylor Lautner, this kid is on steroids . . .
I'm looking forward to seeing "The Wolfman" with Benicio Deltoro, now that will be a cool film . . .