Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
3x3 Number 7 Annual Illustration

I'm honored to have two of my paintings featured in 3x3's Number 7 Illustration Annual.

I'm so glad my painting of Poe was accepted into 3x3, I want to do more work like this, and plan to soon. I absolutely LOVE painting with watercolor and acrylics.

I'm also glad they picked my White Stripes painting. This painting was done while I was goofing around one night. I just did it for fun, yet it made it into the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts and 3x3 . . . hmmmm, go figure?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Class Warfare

This a really quick turnaround that I did yesterday for The Weekly Standard. I started the job Thursday but late Thursday night the idea was changed enough that I had to start again from scratch first thing Friday morning. The final art was due by the end of my work day on Friday.
I decided to keep things simple, tried to focus on the character and keep my color only in places I want the viewer to look first.

I really could have used more time to work on the guillotine, but for a quick editorial piece, I'm happy with the end result. It was a lot to do in one day . . .
Monday, December 13, 2010
Clown Be Gone

New painting "Clown be Gone" painted as a promotional piece for Richard Solomon Artists Representative.

I need to thank my good friend and talented artists Anthony Kosar for lending me a clown mask that he designed and made. I used his mask for reference and decided to keep my character close to his design as a nod to him and his great work. Check out Anthony's work here. Thanks Anthony, you da man!