Online Caricature Class!
A heads up for anyone interested! I will be teaching a course on caricature at It is a one-on-one video correspondence course, classes with me are now open for registration!
Classes start Thursday January 17th, 2008. There are no pre-Requisites, this course is for any skill level. Register now, there are only 15 seats available for my first semester.
Please check out SCHOOLISM for more information.
Wow, this is something I would love to do, unfortunately it's a little out of my price range at the moment (although worth every penny, I'm sure). You said your first semester, does that mean you'll be doing more classes later in the year? Maybe I'll be in a position to sign up then.
sounds awesome!
nice! Your students will be lucky to have you!
Very good!... is a contribution for the art!!
From Peru
Hey Man! I found your blog through the Imaginism blog - awesome work! Can't wait to see more!
Sounds great Jason! Must be a real privilege to study under someone like yourself! If not for other commitments I would definitely go for this - I bet you're a great teacher! All the best
It is amazing to see you in action!!.. great video!!.. good luck with your classes!!..
I would be realy realy ok for doing something like ths with a great artist but I'm French and my language should be a problem at the moment I think.. so ... But that's so good for art I think so...
I like what you do .. good work !
Thank you everyone!! I'm really looking forward to teaching this class. I'm in prep for it now, it's going to be a great class . . . the cool thing about it is that I will be teaching one-on-one with each student, discussing my thought process while drawing . . . . I'm blessed to be able to share what I know . . . . . . . any questions about the class or anything else, please feel free to drop me a line!
welcome aboard. I'll see you in chicago.
Jason, thanks for your kind words on my blog, it means a lot to me coming from you! Without wanting to sound too cheesy, the stuff you post on your blog really inspires me to want to improve my own work. Keep it coming man!
I would like to join your online caricature class but I have never tried digital painting do I have to know how to do it?But I know how to sketch and paint
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