Back From San Diego!

Well, I'm back and what a trip! Had a great time hanging out with my friends and making new friends. The San Diego Comic Con is quite the deal, over 125,000 people. Beautiful weather and really great food! It was also really great to finally meet "in person" a few "blog friends" of mine . . . Ryan Wood, Todd Harris,
Mark Behm, and William Wray
On my trip to San Diego I had a layover in Denver, had to switch planes and all. While waiting to board the plane, I noticed three guys all with long blonde hair, sitting around guitars and band gear. I've been there before touring and whatnot, flying with my guitar from show to show . . . I didn't know who they were, could just tell they were in a band. I sat with them on the flight and then waited in baggage together to get our stuff. It was funny, I could tell which guy was the drummer, because he was the only one receiving the luggage off the belt. You see, drummer's are sort of like roadies . . . . "A band joke". Anyways, all three guys had very distinct features and I thought boy those guys would be fun to sketch . . . that was the last I saw of them. Two nights ago I turn on Conan O'Brien and see these guys rock'n out. It was a shock to see them there, but even more shocking was how good they were, these guys really rock! I'm a big fan of The Black Keys and they have that sort of raw feel, only juiced up a bit. The band is called Rose Hill Drive , check them out and listen for yourself, really cool music.
This morning I did some quick sketches for a warm up before getting on with the rest of my work day. This sketch is of the bass player and vocalist from Rose Hill Drive