Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Robert Bauer Sketch and then some . . .

I've just returned home after a nice week away with my wife and girls! I of course had to do some sketching and drawing while away, so for this post I thought I'd share a few sketches from my sketchbooks.
This is Robert Bauer the current president of the International Society of Caricature Artists (ISCA). Before the awards ceremony at the NCN's (now the ISCA) convention, there was an auction held. In the auction were original drawings and paintings by Tom Richmond, Ray Alma, myself, Ismael Roldan, Court Jones, Joe Bluhm, and Jan Op De Beeck. Robert Bauer won the highest bid for my work. Robert will get an original acrylic painting of himself painted by yours truly. The above is the study for this painting.

While away on my trip I picked up a new sketchbook at Wal-Mart of all places. It's a great size, 8.5x11 toned paper . . . fun stuff to sketch on. I didn't have a white color pencil or charcoal with me, would have been nice to add some highlights here and there . . . will bring one along from now on. On this page is a quick sketch of my pal from New York Fred Harper with the hair and the nose! The back of the head sketch is my friend Paul Moyse from the U.K., and the other smaller doodles are cartoon sketches of Robert Bauer. All sketches done with prismacolor pens or ball point pen.

I'm going to be doing a small oil of this dog for a past student of mine . . . these are some quick little sketches I did for prep. There's only subtle differences between the sketches. I have something particular in mind that I'm going for with it, now I know what I want to do when it comes time to paint.

These sketches are of my friend Roger Hurtado, again done with prismacolor pens.

When I won the Gold Nosey and walked up on stage to receive my award, I was also handed a new sketchbook set made by Faber-Castell. A nice little set, comes with a set of graphite pencils, a sharpener, eraser and a nice little sketch pad. This page of sketches is my first sketch in this book . . . sketched while waiting for my flight in the Raleigh/Durham airport. These two sketches were both done very quickly as I was trying to capture both subjects with as little line as I could . . . trying to keep things more simple and fun.

I was watching this show called "American Jail" made by the same folks who put out "COPS". An entertaining show . . . raw footage of people being brought into jail. There were so many fun characters that I had to get a sketchbook out and have some fun. I sketched these two guys out while watching them in their jail cell. These sketches were done in that same Faber-Castell sketchbook, this time sketching with a .005 prismacolor pen.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Gold Nosey Award!

I'm back from the National Caricaturist Network's (NCN) 17th Annual Convention! It was a great time, many amazing artists from all over the world, and TONS of amazing artwork created. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with fellow artists as well as inspiring to see so many amazing drawings, paintings, and even sculptures.
I am very honored pleased to say that I have won the 2008 17th Annual International Competition Gold Nosey Award . . . The Caricaturist of the Year! The George Lucas above was my studio piece which I'm also pleased to say I took 1st place with.
18x20 Acrylic on Linen.

This was my wall at the convention. Every artist is assigned a wall space in the competition room, and assigned a number, I was 193. During the week the walls are filled with hundreds and hundreds of drawings, it's hard to describe how awesome it is!

I had to take photos of my work so please forgive the slight blur to the drawings. This is a pencil drawing I did of Kage Nakanishi, an OUT OF THIS WORLD caricaturist from Japan . . . I was very impressed with his work as well as very inspired. I'm also very excited because he's going to be doing a drawing or painting of me for the cover of the next Exaggerated Features magazine. Kage won the Gold Nosey Award last year, so he has the honor of painting this year's winner, I'll be doing the same for whoever wins next year's Gold Nosey.
Pencil 8.5x11 on paper.

9x12 Acrylic on Linen, completed during the competition.

This women was a lot of fun to draw. She had such great features, i think that she may have been drawn more than anyone there? She has great eyes and most artists were drawing her eyes popping out of her head. Her eyes were great, but I was a little more interested in the shape of her face, her nose was wonderful as well as her mouth. She's also a talented caricaturists who filled up her space with excellent work!
8.5x11 white and black charcoal on toned paper, completed during competition.

This is a 9x12 Oil on Linen that I did of one of the AMAZING artists from Japan. I'm sorry I cannot remember his name, but I remember his work, he is a very talented artist who I voted for. This was one of the paintings completed during the week, It placed 4th for "Caricature of the Year".

This is a painting I did of Jeff Redford, placed 1st for "Caricature of the Year".
11x14 Oil on Linen, completed during competition.

This is a digital painting completed during competition of an artist from Florida named Sean Gardner ( I added Sean's blog to my links, he's an amazing and talented caricaturist. I enjoyed watching him draw. This caricature placed 8th for "Caricature of the Year", and 2nd for Outstanding Digital Painting.

The Top Ten Caricaturists of the Year!!!

2008 Nosey Winners, Brian Oakes with the Bronze, Glenn Ferguson with the Silver, and yours truly with the Gold.

Me with Jan Op De Beeck! It's an honor to be able to call him a friend. An amazing artist no doubt, but an even better person!

Me with my friend Ismael Roldan. Ismael was this year's Guest of Honor and I was honored to receive from Ismael one of three "Guest of Honor Awards", for Outstanding Work. Thank you for everything Ismael, I'll be sure to pass it on . . . you know what I mean.

Me with Golden Idol . . . uh, er, I mean Golden Nosey!

Me with the President of the NCN Robert Bauer. BTW, the NCN will now be the ISCA or the International Society of Caricature Artists. Robert Bauer is a great guy, plenty of fun to hang out with. He also won the bid during the auction for a painting of him done by me . . . I'll most likely be posting sketches for that soon followed by a painting! Money for the painting goes back into the organization.

I'm glad this nosey thing made someone happy! In all seriousness, I'm very, very honored to have won, so thank you much to all of you who voted, it really means a lot to me.