Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dave Canfield Sketch

Wow, there's a lot going on right now! I'm nearly finished with my DVD on sketching, the production of the DVD is really coming along, looking good! This sketch is one of many that I did for the DVD.
I'm sorry for the lack of posts these days, I've been swamped! Another project in the mix is a brand spank 'N new book published by Brand Studios, it will be released this summer! The book is much different than my first book, featuring art created between 2008-2009. There are new drawings and paintings never seen before as well as a step by step digital painting tutorial. It's a bigger book, 9"x12" hard cover!
Stay tuned for more info on the book and hopefully a trailer soon for the DVD! As always, thank you for your support and encouragement!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Aretha Franklin painting.

This painting was done as a step by step for 3D Total magazine. Still working on the DVD, it's coming along very well!
Also I wanted to let folks out there know that my next course on Caricature at Schoolism starts on the 24th of July. For questions or more info on Schoolism and my course on Caricature, please visit
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mike Hertenstein sketch

I'm currently up to my neck with work . . . trying to finish up my DVD on sketching and so far it's going great, but taking up a LOT of time. This is one of many sketches I did as a demo of sorts for the DVD.

Mike Hertenstein . . . what a model!

A couple quick doodles sketched at a Starbucks, using Sketchbook Pro.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Nathan Cameron Painting

This is a digital painting I did of my friend Nathan Cameron. I saved each step and there will be a step by step of this painting featured next Month in CG Arena's Digital Magazine. My Aretha Franklin will be featured as a step by step in July's 3D Total Magazine. Stay tuned for both of these.
Nathan is a good friend of mine who's a talented director/editor, he's filmed, directed, and edited music videos and short films . . . really cool stuff. He and I are currently finishing up my DVD on sketching . . . working on the editing end of things.

Detail. I felt it important even though I was going for a more realistic rendering to keep it brushy and loose in areas. It's painted and I want people to see that.

Here's the main reference of Nathan that I used for my painting.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Aretha Sketch pt.1

Aretha sketch . . . will be painting this one so stay tuned.
Well, I've finished all the art and recording of art for my DVD on Sketching. This has been taking up a lot of my time lately that is why there's been a lack of posts lately. I'll hopefully be posting a few more posts this week. Thank you for stopping by.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Watercolor Sketch

Finishing up sketches and drawings for my DVD on sketching, next step will be editing and all the fun that goes along with that. This sketch will be featured on the DVD when I share different sketching techniques that I enjoy working with. This was done quite large, with a BIC ball point pen and a few washes of watercolor.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
William Kristol Sketch

This is a warm up sketch I did while away with my family . . . this sketch is of William Kristol, the founder and editor of the The Weekly Standard.

I wanted to share the steps . . . notice how in my first sketch there are no details, just basic shape, the nose is nothing but a suggestion and not even correctly drawn. It's just a framework for me to work with while I paint-sketch.