Obama-No-Drama, and Kennedy Too!

This is a painting I did last April for The Weekly Standard. It was another one day turnaround, started my work day around 4:00 a.m. and finished around 7:00 p.m. that night. Unfortunately they decided not to run the story for that issue because other stories came in that were bigger. They let me know they were still going to use and five months later they did! I had a lot of fun with Ted Kennedy, and I did two versions of him, the first being much more extreme where he had what looked like a pumpkin for a head . . . . in the end I had to tame it down a bit. And as for Obama, every time I draw him I try to do something different . . . I enjoyed working on the expression with this Obama . . .

Because of the quick turnaround and that I had to paint three people and a cadaver, I decided to paint the entire thing in black and white so that I could focus my time on the values. Once I felt good about my values I quickly added color. The color phase on this particular job only took a half an hour to do.

Here's how the final art looks in print. You'll notice something is missing . . . turns out 'Ol Teddy's not doing so well health-wise so it was decided to give him a break . . .
I'm still at Wizard World, it's going great, selling books and DVD's drawing and painting and talking with tons of people about art . . . all in all a fun weekend! If you're in the area or coming to Wizard World stop on by the artist alley and say hi!
It´s a great great ilustration, and a great idea. Congratulations.
Do left of center magazines like Time or the New Yorker hesitate with work if they see your Weekly Standard work?
I don't care so much the politics, just curious about the attitudes of clients.
Very funny and wonderful as always.
when you paint it in black and white first to get the values.. how do you add colors? Do you just color over it in a low opacity kind of like a glaze in traditional painting so that the value is still there? would be interested to know. thanks.
It seems like a drawing with own life when it´s out of our hands.
Beautiful illustration Jason
congratulations !!!
Hope you are having a blast at WWCC. This one creeps me out a bit but tis okay, if it doesn't provoke emotion it isn't art! Amazing as always, Jason.
ha ha very awesome illustration! I love Obama's expression. Looks like he's really excited to use that axe. Kind of like a boy who's father just handed him a sledge hammer and told him to go nuts and knock down the bathroom wall for the first time.
Great job man. Is it digital painting, isn´t it? Or It was done on canvas?
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