Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Moleskine sketches #6

Some more quick sketches from my moleskine sketchbook . . . The man reading the paper was a two minute sketch I did at the airport while I waited to board my plane. I would have spent more time and that was my intention, but he got up and got on his plane. I stayed and sketched on it a bit more on it before I realized he was on my flight . . . and I almost missed my flight! Funny thing, he was sitting right in front of me to my right and I was going to sketch him on the flight from a different angle, but the flight was so bumpy. It was the worst flight I've ever been on, extreme turbulence . . . no fun!

A memory sketch of a guy I saw on the street.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Moleskine sketches #3, 4, & 5

A lot of random sketches, mostly from life while on the subway (red line or 'L' train), sitting in a cafe, or where ever I may be? I try to take my sketchbook everywhere and sketch whenever and whatever I can. I have several sketchbooks, some are for planning and prepping for final work. This sketchbook is "just for fun". With this sketchbook, the point is to relax, have fun, and draw whatever I want. I sketch with blue pencils, pen and ink, ball point pens, prisma color pens, pencil, acrylic paint . . . whatever I like. It's a place to mess around and just have fun. A place for me to play!

Quick animal sketches, some from reference, others made up. Fun and good practice.

These sketches are all from life with the exception of Riley, my brother and sister in-law's dog . . .
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
20 minute digital sketches . . . .

These are two really quick 20 minute digital sketches of very talented artist,
Damion Dunn.
I've decided to go with the top sketch and take it a bit further. Thanks for your input, it's been fun!
I'm crazy busy right now with a ton of work and haven't had as much time for sketching and drawing for myself. It was nice to do these this morning . . . a nice warm up.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Bloomie lll - Cover for the Village Voice!

This is "this" weeks Village Voice cover. I did the sketch Friday afternoon, blocked in the painting Sunday afternoon and then completed it on Monday. This was a fun job to work on. The art director for the V.V. was great to work with, and that always makes my job much more enjoyable.

There were some challenges with this job. The main challenge was maintaining a strong likeness while completely changing Mayor Bloomberg's appearance. The Village Voice wanted me to paint Bloomberg as "Clubber" from Rocky Three. A funny idea, but tricky to pull off. They wanted me to "beef" him up and give him Mr. T.'s Mohawk and beard. I was concerned that it would be hard enough to tell it was Bloomberg with the muscles and Mohawk, so I did two versions. One with the beard and one without. This way they could choose the image that would work best for their needs. I'm happy I was able to pull the likeness through the beard, muscles and Mohawk! Would be fun to see Bloomberg's reaction when he sees it!

This is obviously the beardless version.
On the stands in New York

Thank you Dan Springerfor taking this picture!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Kim Jong Chill

This is a recent painting that I painted for my new book
"Seiler 2008-2009".It's sad how North Korean's don't have all that much yet they're "self proclaimed" god has anything and everything he desires. I figured he probably has his own McDonalds inside his palace somewhere? But they only serve Happy Meals, he likes the toys.
1. I'm working on a cover for The Village Voice . . . any New Yorkers out there, drop me a line, I'd love to get a picture of it on the stands!
2. Working on some Character design for Aardman Animation.
3. Working on an Oil painting for an upcoming show as well as a few acrylics.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
My art on the streets of New York!

When I was in New York last week, I discovered that I have finally made it to the big time, my work was all over Times Square. Now if I could only get it into the MET?
These street artists were using the art of Kruger, Jan Op De Beeck, Ismael Roldan, Wouter Tulp, Chris Rommel, Tom Richmond and many others including myself to attract clients. It was funny, because these street artists can't draw at all. I tried to talk with them, but all they said to me was "Five dollar, I draw you for five dollar". I asked to talk with his pimp, but he didn't reply.
I went up to this guy and asked him if he painted that Nelly. I said "Wow, this is cool, did you paint this?" He said "Yes, I paint this." I then said "Really, wow, you're really good, what did you use to paint this". He replied, "Yes, I paint this." So I then confronted him and told him that is my painting, that I used acrylics to paint it, and that it was one of my first acrylic paintings. He soon realized that I was serious and then just like that, I no longer existed. He ignored me, it was as if I wasn't even there. Quite interesting. Another guy came over to me and said that he painted it by looking at my painting, that it was a "study" of my painting? I just smiled at him and said . . . "I tell you what, how about I pay you $5, and you let me draw you?" He didn't like that idea. Would have been fun.

At the end of each semester, my students have to complete a "portfolio piece". A "caricature illustration" so-to-speak. This was Rich Lauzon's final submission! A BIG CONGRATS to Rich! He worked very hard, and I feel he put together a great piece! I critiqued it for him and gave him some suggestions which he said he'll work on. Perhaps when he finishes it, I'll post his final here for all to see?
My next semester for "The Art of Caricature" at Schoolism.comstarts this Friday on the 9Th of October, there are still a couple slots open!
Here's what Rich had to say about the course!
"This last assignment was extremely challenging. I fully appreciated how every lesson was pulled together in this final project. I particularly was impressed with the creative freedom that could be found within the project. I plan to use these techniques in future projects.
I have learned a lot from your course. How to paint, better composition, and, a very straight forward and streamlined process that allows me to create work more efficiently in this deadline oriented field. But probably the thing that clicked for me the most was how to “see” where to caricature. That it’s okay to make things smaller to make something else that has regular proportions look bigger. The skull lesson was also eye opening. That one really shows you what to distort and what to shade what to cross hatch as far as surface planes are concerned. That could be a how to book or DVD all by itself.
It is clear that you are very passionate in your craft. You strike me as a “teachable” for life and I am very humbled by your generous nature in sharing your secrets of your success."
Monday, October 05, 2009
Brian oil work in progress . . . #2

Working on a bunch of projects, many paintings, drawings and sketches as well as critiquing classes for Schoolism. This painting is coming along . . . . but for me oil paintings take some time . . . this still has a ways to go, and again, this is only a portion of the painting. The colors in this photo are closer to the original colors, but still not 100% accurate.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Brian oil work in progress . . . #1

This is a work in progress oil painting for an upcoming show. This is only a part of the painting . . . still a long ways to go, this is still just a block in.
The president of the Edgar Allen Poe Museum in Richmond, and also a cousin of Poe. Is interested in my recent painting becoming a permanent fixture in the museum. Cool eh? Harry Poe's recent book on Poe won the Edgar Award this year in the critical/biographical category. Congrats to Harry!
I am currently working on some character design for animation studios, one being
Aardman Animation!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Moleskine sketches #2

I just got back from New York, I went to visit my Uncle David. Unfortunately he's very sick with cancer. He's more than just "an uncle of mine", I care for him dearly. I was going to be there before a serious surgery that he's got to go through, but last minute they re-scheduled his surgery for October 6Th. For those of you who actually read this blog, I would appreciate your prayers for my Uncle. Thank you.
While in New York, I did manage to do a few pages of sketches in my favorite sketchbook, my moleskine. I stayed with my friend Fred Harper who lives near Wall Street. The drawing on the left was sketched of Fred while he was sketching. We were in a low lit Pub/Restaurant it was like drawing in the dark . . . I didn't know what it looked like until we got back to his place. A fun sketch anyways.
The sketch on the right is of a man who fell fast asleep on the subway somewhere in Manhattan. I couldn't resist.
Just a reminder that my next class at