Some monster doodles . . .

I just got back from a little trip away with my family, had a great time relaxing. With a three year old and a four month old, I didn't have much time for drawing and sketching, but I did squeeze in a bit. These sketches of classic horror monsters were done fairly quick using a ball point pen and some acrylic paint on toned paper.
Below the monster sketches is a 11X14 oil painting that I did for Reform Judaism about two months ago. The story is about a Muslim women who hated Jews, and then had a complete turn around, she was no longer welcome back in her own country. It was crazy, because I only had four days to paint 30 people . . . it would have been much easier to do this digitally, however I felt that a traditional as well as a not so exaggerated look would fit better with the story. This was painted with a limited palette, Ivory Black, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre and White.