Moleskine gouache sketch

Fun with gouache! This is a fairly quick gouache study of Jack Lawrence in my moleskine watercolor sketchbook. This past year I saw some gouache studies that Sean Cheetham had done in his sketchbook and it looked like so much fun, I had to have a go at it as well. I've only messed with gouache a few times but never really played with it too much. I really had fun with this and plan to do a lot more. If you don't know Sean's work, you should check it out, he's an awesome painter!

A shot with my hand to show you the scale . . . this is a fun size, easy to carry around.

Detail . . . I love letting the medium act and react naturally, let it happen . . .

I also did a quick sketch of George . . . this was done with watercolor.
Olá, Jason!
Muito bons, os seus estudos.
Really nice work! I really like that impasto look from the whilte on the gouache painting!
Hi Jason,
Very cool stuff again.
Now I obviously want to reconsider the Gouache+sketchbook combo.
That portrait is great, the composition is really cool too. Good rhythm.
And of course, your George Lucas Kung Fu is not to be proven anymore ;)
Hi Jason, I'd rather see your traditional paintings then digital work. But that does not mean I do not dislike your style! It's just that little bit more! Tim
Nice to see some gouache from you! Will you continue using it? Nice sketch Jason!!
Gouache is a very nice medium to work with! If you have a good quality paper to work on, it's a pleasure to work with!
you're work inspires me. Thanks for sharing!
Just beautiful work Jason! I love your traditional work! I know Sean's work and it's just awesome! This sketch is superb..would love to see some more of these in the future! Man you make lookin it so easy:D Congrats me, they seem to act a bit like oils do..and are fun
Nice scale shots with the hand. :) Great job.
The gouache sketch is awesome! Very good picture :)
Nice man!
I really love your style and it's amazing how you fit that amount of detail on such a tiny canvas. Do you have very small brushes?
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