Monday, March 19, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sometimes I preform Cosmetic Surgery

Well, I thought I was finished with it? Turns out that the art director loved what I had done but when the editor saw it there was panic in the press room! I guess they were worried that Mr. Royce would be offended, so this piece is more of a distortion or a denial of the truth. Had to put in a few more hours but now everyone is happy . . . I hope.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Harpo's Play Things!

This is a new Harpo that I just did for a book called "The Film Art of the Marx Brothers" by William Woollcott Marx and Daniel Kinske, LCDR., U.S.N. The book is a tentative 80th anniversary celebration of their first film, The Cocoanuts (1929) and will be out in stores in 2009. Should be a fun book, there will be a lot of great art featured in the book by great artists, like Al Hirschfeld, Mark Fredrickson, Drew Struzan, Jack Davis, Hermann Mejia, Mort Drucker, Drew Friedman, Richard Williams and many, many more! I'm very honored to be a part of it.
There still may be some slight changes made to this piece but for now this is what I have.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Cover for Reform Judaism

Most of the jobs I do are people so this was a fun challenge. When I started sketching out ideas, I immediately saw a dramatic lighting and emotion playing out in my head . . . so the challenge for me was to try and get that to come out the way I invisioned. I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out, my favorite part is the sky, to me there's a sense of peace even though what's going on below is mayhem.
Monday, March 05, 2007
In preparation for the final!

For this illustration I actually pieced it together sketch by sketch. I did some other small thumbnails to work out the kinks, and then went on from there. After I was settled with my likeness I did a quick mock in photoshop, I took my Bush sketch and quickly drew up an idea for my composition . . . you can tell from this small mock that it took me about 60 seconds to do. It doesn't need to be perfection, just throw some ideas down and see what happens . . . I like to work fast and get my first ideas out while they're still fresh . . . then if I like it I refine it and work it more. No sense wasting time in this stage.
Once I like the basic idea of it then I shoot photo reference for accuracy in folds and anatomy, lighting etc . . .
I knew I was going to paint this in photoshop, so I sketched the hands seperately as well as Bush's body . . . I then pieced everything together in photoshop and moved it around until I was happy with it. Then I flattened the image and began painting.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
CRACKED magazine is DEAD!

I did this Paula Abdul for Cracked two months ago, I've been waiting and waiting for my check, finally I get an email from Cracked saying they're no longer doing the magazine . . .
From the Staff of Cracked . . .
"Cracked Magazine is gone as of Issue #3.
Unfortunately, distribution issues and the publishing industry as a whole made publishing a bi-monthly comedy magazine unviable. Will we revisit it in the future? Ya never know. But for now, no more Cracked magazine.
What does this mean for you? Any outstanding payment for Issue #3, which did see print, will be paid in full and should be mailed off to you shortly. Any work done for Issue #4 or #5, which will not be seeing print, will be paid a standard 20% kill fee, which is outlined in your contract. This, too, will be mailed off to you shortly. We apologize for the delay, and hope you can understand our difficulties under the circumstances."
So I only get 20% for my work on Paula . . . PEANUTS! Well, I won't be working for Cracked again, I'll just consider this a learning experience!