Last night I went for a walk with my two daughters and on our little stroll we walked past "Gordy". No, that's not really his name, but he looked like a "Gordy" to me, so for the sake of the story, we'll call him "Gordy". I had to stop and take a few pictures, it was a must. When I got home I shared the pictures with my wife, she told me that I was cruel to have a laugh at this man's expense. Fair enough, but in my defense, I'm not interested in this guy's appearance because he's over weight. Yes, his shape did intrigue me, however it was his posture and stressed face that interested me. I found the man to be an interesting character, the way his body swayed back and forth and every once in a while he would bounce up to tip-toe position almost like a ballerina, it was great. My three year old Isabeau asked "Daddy, what are you doing?" I told her I was taking pictures of the interesting scenery, she then said "Oh, but daddy, look at the funny man." She found him interesting too.
Yesterday when I was painting the EL tracks at Leland and Broadway a women asked me why I was painting that? She said that's not beautiful, or worth painting! I told her it was beautiful to me, it's so much more interesting to me to paint how it really is, and what I'm really surrounded by. Anyways, enough blah, blah already.
The pen sketches were done in one of my sketch books very quickly, I used a blue Jetstream uni pen . . . permanent, however if it's held in one place for too long it bleeds everywhere . . . fun for quick sketches though. The pencil sketch was drawn a little bit different then how I normally sketch with pencil. I was influenced by my friend Tom Fluharty's stlyle of sketching. I sketched very quickly and didn't look much at my paper, looking mostly at the subject, my pencil never really left the paper.