I finally have a little time to post a couple pictures from the Society of Illustrators show. It was like a dream, for me anyways. There are a handful of living artists who have seriously inspired me and pushed me, some actually took me under their wing a bit, so to have a piece hanging in the American Society of Illustrators Museum alongside these artists was a true honor for me, and a bit unreal. Also, upstairs in the Society, there are original Maxwell Parish's, Norman Rockwell's and many others!
When I first walked into the museum I looked to my left and behold, an original Philip Burke, a huge painting, at least 6 feet in height. It was a fantastic painting, a photo just doesn't do it any justice. Of course my pal Tom Fluharty had an amazing painting of Hillary Clinton, the detail in this painting is truly absurd, he's a talented guy, no doubt about it. Hanging to the right of my paintng was a ginormous painting by Daniel Adel, done in acrylics. I only mention that he painted with acrylics, because he seems to handle every medium in the same way, they all have that Adel look to them, he's a powerful painter. James Bennett, had a couple paintings in the show, a smaller painting of a frog, and this really fun oil painting of a pig. Roberto Parada and C.F. Payne had great work at the show as well. Roberto's painting was different that what I have seen from him in the past, I really enjoy his new look, there's something true and honest about his approach, it's bold, I kept going back to his painting and noticing new things.
Anyways, I've got to get back to work, just wanted to share a few pictures, I hope to be a part of the show again next year, it was a really great time!