Painting of the author.Nearly a year ago now, I was interviewed by WIRED magazine, you can read the article
HERE.The article was "supposed" to feature caricature art by me and a few other artists. I sent them several examples of my paintings but instead, they decided to drop that idea and have a few of the artists from the interview draw or paint the author. I was busy with other work and only had a couple hours on the weekend to do a quick painting of Ben, the author. Even though it was done in a rush, I still enjoyed how it turned out . . . of course, I would have liked a little more time to refine the likeness a little more but I guess there can always be something to complain about, right? :) As for reference, I prefer natural pictures, not posed, especially when I am unfamiliar with the subject as I was in this case. The reference pics that I was given were taken in a studio and were posed. Not much of any character was showing through at all. The lighting and coloring was horrible too. So, to fix that, I had to do some photoshop color correction to my references to get them looking someone "normal" before I started my painting. It seemed to do that trick . . . overall, I think it's a good article, and I'm honored to be featured in it as well.
Step by Step

This is a picture that I took of the magazine . . . my full painting is featured here in the front part of the magazine and a cropped version of it is featured in the actual article.

This is what the cover looks like of the current issue of WIRED. Fun article about what caricatures can teach us about facial recognition. I was interviewed and featured in this article along with a few other caricaturists. Pick up a copy if you can.